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I am studying Tech Governance since 1992 and focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) since 2018. I am heavily  introducing the axis of poli...

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Presentación del libro El Análisis de la Política. 23 de Febrero, 12h., en Madrid

Comparto con vosotros las palabras que he preparado para presentar en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid el libro El Análisis de la Política, el jueves 23 de Febrero. Un libro editado por Mikel Barreda y Leticia Ruiz (Ed. Huygens, 561 pags). Soy autora del capítulo sobre el Análisis de las Políticas Públicas Comparadas.  Espero con interés la presentación, y, con suerte, saludaros. El debate y preguntas está abierto a todos aquellos que tienen interés pero no pueden asistir al acto el jueves23 de Febrero en Somosaguas a través de los comentarios a esta entrada de blog. Saludos virtuales a todos!

Donde: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas, Salón de Grados, Campus de Somosaguas
Universidad Complutense
Fecha: 23 FEB Hora: 12h.
Acceso al video de presentación en diferido haciendo click [enlace]

"Estamos ante el fin de los partidos como los conocemos tradicionalmente", 
afirma en el video Leticia Ruiz.

En la presentación tendré el gusto de acompañar a los coordinadores de la obra, Mikel Barreda y Leticia Ruiz, María Bustelo, en la actualidad Delegada del Rector de la UCM para la Igualdad de Genero, Irene Delgado, experta en política multinivel, y Emanuela Lombardo experta en políticas de género [@elombardo12]

Monday 6 February 2017

Settling a consortium to bid for H2020 funds. First lesson

We are in the process of building up a consortium to bid for H2020 funds for both nature based solutions and social challenges in cities. What we he have discovered in the process -as it is the first time we bid for H2020 funds- is that the consortium of cities is a first and sine qua non condition to be able to present our bid. And this is why we are the most grateful to those cities that are willing to come with us in this H2020 Call for funds. When we explain stakeholders how different we are from other consortiums we stress three things.

Local Politics Network
1) Our specific strength on local politics. The European network of specialists on local politics is at the core, and makes us very attractive to technological -and other- stakeholders because of our understanding of governance, previous links with local managers and scientific impact.

Communications Strenght
2) The leverage on Communications. Since the proposal started to be drafted at the School of Communications at UCJC in March 2016, we are very strong in terms of tools -including UCJC Medialab. This means a strong ability to communicate the process and results of science to society.

Great and Differential Partners
3) We have got great partners. Let´s recall Paisaje Transversal and IMIDRA in Spain as an example.

What we also have is a deep understanding of networks and we are interested on reaching special audiences throughout this applied work, and make the most positive impact upon the greater number of world cities.

What we are seeking:
- Partner cities, frontrunners and followers
- Stakeholders that help us to make a positive difference on cities